Thursday, February 7, 2013

Updated Evasi0n 1.1 Jailbreak Utility Released

The Evad3rs have released an update to the Evasi0n jailbreak utility.

Planetbeing tweets:

evasi0n 1.1 has been released on the site with the latest fixes. You may have to clear your browser's cache to see it.

Note that you do not need to download evasi0n 1.1 if you've already jailbroken.

There is nothing in evasi0n 1.1 that is not already in Cydia.

You can find the links to download evasi0n here.

Evasi0n 1.1 (Windows)


Evasi0n 1.1 (Mac)


Evasi0n 1.1 (Linux)

The update includes fixes which address issues with the Weather app and long rebooting times after jailbreaking. If you've already jailbroken you should not use evasi0n again; rather, follow these instructions to update your jailbreak.